
JOMSH, a renowned chartered accountant firm with a workforce of more than 100+ employees, faced operational challenges in managing its diverse financial projects and overseeing its workforce using conventional Excel sheets.

Recognizing the limitations of this approach, JOMSH sought to revolutionize its project management and HR processes by developing a custom CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution.

This case study delves into the journey of creating a bespoke CRM using MySQL and Laravel to centralize project allocation, monitoring, and basic HR functions.


JOMSH, with its team engaged in various financial tasks for clients, found Excel sheets insufficient to cope with the complexity and growing demands of their operations.

Tedious manual processes for project allocation and tracking hindered efficiency, leading to the decision to invest in a more sophisticated CRM system.


The primary goals of the CRM development were to:
  • Centralize project allocation and monitoring for enhanced efficiency.
  • Streamline HR processes, serving as a basic HR system.
  • Reduce manual efforts and errors associated with Excel-based tracking.

Development Process

The development process commenced with an in-depth examination of JOMSH's operational needs and aspirations. Drawing upon the strengths of Laravel's robust framework and the reliability of MySQL, the development team embarked on designing a CRM solution that would not only address the immediate challenges but also lay the groundwork for future scalability.

The inherent flexibility of Laravel's framework proved instrumental in accommodating the multifaceted requirements set forth by JOMSH. Following an iterative development approach, the team fostered a dynamic and collaborative environment, where continuous feedback from JOMSH played a pivotal role in shaping the evolving CRM solution.

This iterative feedback loop not only ensured the incorporation of real-time insights but also fostered a sense of ownership and collaboration between the development team of SB Infowaves and the end-users at JOMSH. The result was a finely-tailored CRM system that closely mirrored JOMSH's vision and operational nuances.

Throughout the development journey, the team encountered challenges that demanded creative solutions. The integration of diverse financial project management features posed a complex puzzle, requiring meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of JOMSH's unique workflows.

Additionally, the creation of an intuitive HR module presented its own set of challenges, necessitating a user-centric design approach to ensure ease of use and accessibility. The Laravel framework, renowned for its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, emerged as a crucial facilitator in overcoming these challenges.

The MVC structure provided a systematic and modular organization of code, streamlining the integration of intricate financial project management features and the development of a user-friendly HR module. This not only expedited the development process but also enhanced the maintainability and scalability of the CRM solution.

In essence, the development journey unfolded as a symbiotic collaboration between the technological prowess of Laravel and the practical insights derived from JOMSH's operational intricacies. The result was a cohesive CRM solution that seamlessly integrated complex functionalities, from financial project management to HR modules, into a unified and user-friendly interface.

The intersection of Laravel's capabilities and the iterative development approach fostered an adaptive and responsive solution, ensuring that the final product not only met but exceeded JOMSH's expectations, setting the stage for a transformative shift in their operational landscape.

Features and Functionality

The CRM boasts the following key features:
  • Centralized Project Management: Efficient allocation, monitoring, and reporting of financial projects.
  • Task Tracking: Granular tracking of tasks within projects for better project control.
  • HR Module: Basic HR functionalities, including employee profiles, leave management, and document storage.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Comprehensive reporting tools to gain insights into project progress and workforce performance.


The CRM was rolled out in phases, ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing operations. Training sessions were conducted to familiarize JOMSH's team with the new system. The transition to the CRM was smooth, and immediate benefits were observed in terms of time savings and improved accuracy.


The implementation of the CRM yielded significant outcomes:
  • Efficiency Gains: Streamlined project management reduced time spent on manual allocation and monitoring.
  • HR Process Improvement: The CRM's HR module simplified employee management and enhanced HR processes.
  • Data Accuracy: Elimination of errors associated with manual Excel-based tracking.

Future Plans

JOMSH envisions continuous improvement and plans to:
  • Enhance HR Features: Expand HR functionalities to meet evolving workforce management needs.
  • Mobile Integration: Develop a mobile application for remote access and convenience.
  • Integration with External Tools: Explore integration with other financial tools for a seamless workflow.

In conclusion, the custom CRM developed for JOMSH has proven to be a game-changer, addressing their unique challenges and setting the foundation for future growth and innovation in financial project management and HR processes.
Get in touch with our engineers if you are also on the lookout for building a bespoke CRM to assist you in your day-to-day work.

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